Thursday, July 7, 2016

Down to Berth

As I am quickly approaching my twenty-fifth year, I've had a lot of worrying thoughts pass through my mind.

For one, where am I going in life?  Literally and figuratively.
I've gladly decided to settle in Saint Martin; however, this decision means a lot less opportunity for me to grow professionally. To get work on the island I'd have to start my residency, which is a long and costly process, not to mention I don't speak Dutch or French. So that's not going in my favor.  Also, the available work around her is very limited– in all areas.

So I've been trying to keep up freelance writing to get me by.  It was working for a while, but I was still having trouble supporting myself being isolated on this island.  Which brought on thoughts of: whats your happiness worth?  Would you rather be making money back home or spending days swimming in a free ocean and being as frugal as possible?  I know I'd be happy with both, but there is something about clear, warm water and fresh coconuts I can't give up.

But still I worry, whats next?  Where do I go from here?  After a few months of stressing out I realized what I've been doing over the last few years is exactly what I'm meant to keep doing.  Learning by experience.  I was never hired as a travel writer, I just started traveling and writing and pushing articles to publications.  I never considered myself a photographer until I said, "Actually, yeah, I am photographer.  I've even got two cameras."  I don't need a certificate, degree or desk to be what I want.

Altering watching "Maiden Trip" I knew I had to sail the world.  So I jumped on a boat and learned the ropes.  Literally.  I have no sail school backing, but I became damn good behind the helm.  So with all these thoughts, I finally came to the conclusion... there is not going to be opportunity for me unless I make it myself.  I don't need someone to hire me,  I'll submit my CV directly to my own inbox.

The question became, what am I good at and can enjoying doing for a living?  Dancing would have been the dream gig, but I landed on adventuring.  I am a really handy explorer, especially when it comes to being on limited funds.  I've seen most of Europe, North America, bits of Africa, and 15+ islands in the Caribbean while on a student or writer's budget.  Not too shabby.

Now I need to make my talents profitable.  If I were a business, what would I be?  An adventure guide who takes likeminded travellers to cool places while scrapping every last penny.  Ta-da!  That's so me.  There are so many ways to avoid spending a fortune when going to new places, we just have to be smart.

Plus I don't know what I'd like more than to take people on hikes, swims, sails, culinary tours, and so on.  That sounds like a good way to make a living... so I'm going to make something of it.

That's how I came up with Down to Berth.  Berth meaning the part of the boat in which people sleep, and also a play on "earth."  I believe we all should live simply and naturally, and as I love puns, it felt right.  Your average joe should not have to take out a second mortgage because he can't afford to relax on a tropical island.  Joe, you are better than Myrtle Beach, I promise!

So I have set up this business as an all-in-one venture where people come join in my lifestyle.  The sailboat offers both the accommodation and charter as one.  The food is not included in the stay, but we are more than willing to create a menu and cook for you.  And if you're not trying to spend 25 euros on a conch soup, then we'll take you to the local Spanish shack that does it for $8 on Saturday nights.  Or if you want to do your own grocery shopping and just stack up on sandwiches, fruits and snacks– that's fine too.

We get what it means to live frugally.  Surf boards, paddle boards, snorkel gear, fishing poles, bikes, yoga mats, hammocks, and cars don't have to be rented because we already offer it in the stay.  As long as guests assume responsibly for any damages caused to the equipment, then they are free to use them whenever. (I'll still need that in writing)

We can also teach people the ways of the calm Caribbean.  For example, learn how to chop down coconuts, open them and turn them into delicious milks.  Want to know how to make the best pizza ever?  Out of cauliflower?  Yes, a vegetable.  Let's make an entire pizza out of a vegetable– it's amazing.  Interested in beet chips?  Or just healthier ways of living and eating in general?  Let's explore my garden and kitchen.

Down to Berth is not just supposed to be a vacation, it has to be more.  The tourists here spend their days drunk on the beach and I don't think that is doing the Caribbean or their time justice.  We offer a more wholesome experience, from the stay (on a beautiful boat) to the locations (hopping to and fro islands) to the activities and to the food.  We want to make this the coolest adventure one can have in these waters. 

This is what we want to do, love to do and are meant to do.  Being able to share that experience with new friends makes our vagabond lifestyle worth while.  Contrary to popular belief, it’s not about the Get Rich or Die Tryin’  scheme (sorry 50 Cent).  We prefer simplicity, nature and the slow movement of life that the Caribbean bids us.
As of June 16, Down to Berth is up and running... and we'd love to have you aboard!  



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