Monday, September 26, 2016

Garden Break: When Plants Turn Savage

A month ago I was struggling to fend off a hungry Iguana gang from destroying my boat garden.  After many failures, help, alas, came to my rescue.  My boat garden was turned into a boat house... a wooden frame was built around it with netting stapled into the sides.  Iguanas were no longer a threat.  As my cucumber, squash and tomato plants came back from their previous states of mere stems, their growth spiralled out of control.  No longer content with the dinghy's available size, the cucumbers have pulled themselves up and out of the netting via the palm leaves.  Towering 7 feet, and still growing, the plants are efficient escape artists.  I'm willing to cut them a deal: grow up the palm tree, consume it for all I care, just start producing fruit already.  I am the one growing impatient here.