Monday, January 7, 2019

Stinky Stardust Feet: Why Even?

One does not become a children’s book author for the fame and fortune. In fact, it’s a cut-throat industry where most of the people who “make it” are well connected in the publishing world. 

Unless you have an original wizard story with a boy named Harry, it’s hard to make a career out of books. 

Which is why I think my stance is pretty good. I’m not trying to raise enough money to be profitable, I’m trying to make a difference– no matter how small. 

I was recently asked what motivated me to write Stinky Stardust Feet

Basically, I don’t like the direction the world is going in. I’m hoping for a better future, and if we want to make real change, we must educate our kids. 

Often times we don’t give kids enough credit for their brilliance. The concepts in Stinky Stardust Feet may seem suitable for advance learners, but it’s great to introduce these topics early on.

Let’s develop a love for discovery as they take literal (and figurative) steps into the world. I don’t want to dumb kids down. Let's challenge kids in a way that they are encouraged to be proactive.

We can all agree that learning is most effective when it’s enjoyable. I want to see a generation of kids who care deeply about what’s going on around them. Not kids who are waiting in line to take selfies so they can hashtag the photo and get free #Nikes.

Do you see what I mean? This book is my effort to put a little more good in a pretty stinky world

I’m honored that you’ve already ordered a copy (or two!), now I ask you to THINK. Who else could benefit from a little educational fun? (hint: everyone.) If we can spark curiosity in kids, then we can snowball out of the instagram vacuum and into things that matter and beyond.

Let’s do some good.
Many thanks,

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