Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Surprise Dives

Back story: My Olympus Tough Underwater camera started leaking water halfway through the trip. I managed to dry it out and using white duct tape, I covered every possible cranny. It looked like it had barely survived war.  Then for some reason the settings on the camera changed to an old school program that I still cannot explain. So the rest of the trip, from Saint Lucia down to Grenada and back up to Iles Fourche, I used a bandaged camera on the default 1990s settings. I also swam with one arm out of the water to try to avoid any excess water getting in... but I'm used to looking ridiculous and it all worked out.

Grenada's Underwater Sculpture Park 
Grenada's Underwater Sculpture Park was designed and built by Jason deCaires Taylor, Troy Lewis and a few others. It doubles as a tourist attraction and a synthetic reef. As you can see from the creatures growing on the statues, it has created a little mossy ecosystem. With over 80 pieces you can spend all day there, but after an hour of diving 10-20 feet, exhaustion hits. Quick.

Iles Fourche Nature Reserve
The nature reserve, a mere 30 miles from Saint Martin, was one of the best places to snorkel for wild life. Firstly, it is not a popular destination. It is a tiny private island and not one for beach-goers or for bad DJs to set up and blast "music." It is far enough away that locals will not be trying to sell you their goods, thus making it safer for swimming and only a few charter boats came around. The water was significantly colder than the other bays, but c'mon it's the Caribbean, doesn't get near chilly. Anyways, immediately after anchoring a baby sea turtle approached the boat. Thus prompting me to jump in and find two more turtles lying in the shade of our boat, 20 feet below. Barracudas, stingrays, fish and coral were found around every bend. Unfortunately, no sharks.

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